Bringing our research on present manifestations of future challenges to our programs
The International Master in Security, Intelligence and Strategic Studies (IMSISS) is a 24 month Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD) awarded by a consortium of three European universities – University of Glasgow (UK); Dublin City University (Ireland); and Charles University (Czech Republic). Students on this degree programme will examine a broad range of contemporary security challenges, such as terrorism, civil war and conflict, mass migration, energy supply security, cyber security and new technologies, and transnational and serious organised crime. Students will also explore the intelligence and strategic approaches used by governmental and non-governmental actors to combat these threats.
Two-year English-language Master's degree programme offers students a complex guide through security, conflict and strategic studies. Responding to the pressing agendas of the current security environment the programme is administered by the team of young academics of the Department of Security Studies. The programme respects the multidisciplinary dimension of contemporary security studies that face analytical challenges in traditional as well as non-traditional domains. Therefore, students will obtain theoretical and methodological training allowing them to address security issues ranging from conventional conflicts and wars to unconventional agendas associated with cyber or space realms.